Miss Basketball: Jordan Walker

I am strong.
— Jordan Walker

Meet Jordan Walker, #22 for the Mona Shores Sailors. With an average of more than 20 points pet game, she is the star of her team. This past Monday, the 5’6 point-guard won the Michigan 2017 Miss Basketball award.

On Monday morning, at the Detroit Free Press, Walker accepted her well-deserved Miss Basketball award.

“Accepting this award is humbling,” Walker said. “I tore my ACL my sophomore summer leading into my junior year, and reporters asked me if that would deter me from my dream of being Miss Basketball, and I always responded 'No', because the God I serve is somebody who can make a way out of no way."

The Visionary Boss: What is one word to describe the journey and the highlights of your senior year, Jordan? From winning big games, being crowned homecoming queen, and now the Miss Basketball award?

Favored. In everything that I have taken part of this year, I have an angel over me. The people around me have shown favor," Jordan responded.

You dreamed of winning Miss Basketball before, that's now a reality. What does this accolade signify for you?

"It shows me that dreams come true," Jordan had a slight laugh. "Of course, with a little hard work and dedication added to it. This shows me once again how good my God. I could have never been in this position without his favor." 

Jordan is the poster child of what a student athlete should be
— Brad Kurth, Mona Shores Basketball Coach

Being a role model in your city, and popular student athlete equals lots of recognition. How does it feel?

"It's an amazing thing. Basketball is more than a game to me. If I can inspire one person to love the game a little bit more, or to work a little bit harder, then I am doing something right," Jordan says.

The student athlete maintains a 3.89 GPA, along with being a National Honor Society member and much more. Jordan's #1 advice for student athletes is maintaining good grades. 

"I've seen great athletes be sidelined, because they couldn't get their academics right. Grades determine what level you play at," she notes.

Jordan maintains her grades by always thinking about the future. "I try not to dwell on what's in front of me. I just look ahead to the outcome, and how happy and relieved I'll be, once it's over."


This past November, Jordan signed to Western Michigan University to further her basketball career. The high school senior is excited to play alongside her older sister, Jasmyn who currently plays at WMU. 

"I've had the most fun playing basketball with [Jasmyn], and being able to do that once again is going to be so much fun!" 

Soon you'll be considered a Mona Shore's Sailor alumni. What have you enjoyed most about being on the basketball team?

"I've enjoyed everything! I love the relationships I have built, and all of the memories made."

Playing basketball all throughout high school has granted Jordan opportunities going across the country, impacting her community and strengthening her faith. 

Jordan, you carry yourself like a champ, on and off the court. How do you maintain that?

"I try resembling the way my mom carries herself. She is such a strong, beautiful woman. I also pray each night that the Lord helps me walk, and act more like him in each situation I am in."

What keeps you humble?

"Knowing that someone is always working hard too. There is always somebody better out there," Jordan revealed. "No matter how good you may be, somebody is trying to get where you're at," she emphasized. Being humble allows you to evaluate yourself and see what you actually need to do."

What's the mindset you have everyday, between the long practices, rival basketball games and school?

"I want to give me best effort in everything I do. If I don't get the results that I want , or if I come up short, it lets me know I may have to go back to the drawing board and approach things in a different way. I learn from my mistakes and get better."

What's the feeling you get during a game? A surge of adrenaline, wave of excitement—what is it?

"Each [game] I just go out and play; that alleviates the pressure. I stay calm and collected, because you can't fix what happens. The refs aren't going to go back and fix anything, so move on the next play."

What music do you listen to on game day?

"Don't laugh," Jordan giggled. "I listen to anything that gets me in the feels, like Mariah Carey's 'We Belong Together,' or Bryson Tiller and Drake. I like slow music that keeps me calm."

College is approaching, and this chapter of your life is coming to an end. What are some lessons you will always remember?

"I will always remember that if I have a problem, [I should] give it to God. I know that he can bring me out of anything, so I don't dwell on anything. I just look forward to the outcome. Another lesson is to not let people's thoughts affect [my] happiness. In our society, we get caught up in how fresh we look, versus how happy we are. If wearing $100 jeans makes you happy, wear them, but if also wearing $10 jeans make you happy, wear them. I used to care about that, and once I stopped, I found myself with extra cash in my pocket, and more happiness because I wasn't looking to be validated my society."

Growing up in Muskegon, how has it shaped you?

"My town has shown me what a true community is. We all have come together over sports, and we take pride in our schools. We are all very passionate about making this little 231 something much greater," Jordan concludes.

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