The Makings of an Ambitious Athlete: JaCorey Sullivan

Standing at 6’2, and nicknamed ‘War Daddy’, for his impressive ‘one-on-one matchups against smaller defensive backs’, JaCorey Sullivan is Central Michigan Chippewa’s leading Wide Receiver. Playing the final season of college football career, he is ready to achieve personal milestones, on and off the field.

photo edit: @shrimpdesigns

photo edit: @shrimpdesigns

When it comes to success, JaCorey Sullivan believes it all comes down to universal alignment and God’s timing.

"Everybody’s story is different,” JaCorey tells me. “Respect the grind and work until it’s your time,” are the words of advice that he lives by.

JaCorey’s day beings at nine a.m. sharp. By 10:30 a.m. he’s at the training facility, where he trains for about three hours. “I’m usually the last to leave. I don’t know why,” he says. “It just happens like that.”

After working out, he goes to the academic center to brainstorm business ideas, or to check emails regarding his Senior Year and graduation.

His goal, this season is to have the greatest football season that Central Michigan University has seen in years. “[My team] has so much potential, and I want it to show.” he says. “This season I want to have the highest catching percentage of my career. 1200 receiving yards and a touchdown every game, with about 60 catches," he elaborates. “I want to get a championship.”

Off the field, JaCorey’s biggest accomplishment is being viewed as an inspiration to the people of his hometown, Muskegon. “I feel I give a lot of people hope,” he says. “Being recognized for making it out, and having an amazing work ethic allowed me to do so. [My peers and I] feel we like kind of opened the doors for athletes in [my hometown] by putting ourselves out there and being good people. Now we are seeing more athletes make it to other schools.”

In the last six months, JaCorey says that he’s learned to take things day by day. “Sometimes, when you’re chasing dreams and you get close, you go to a mental state where you feel like you have to do everything at once. When you’re anxious, you get overwhelmed with everything, so it’s good to balance whatever you’re trying to achieve, and take it one step at a time.”


Speaking of balance, JaCorey believes that one must ‘attack the classroom’ the same way they’d attack the field. “In life, you have to lock in everything you do and use your resources. Resources are essential to balancing out ball and the classroom. Talk to your professors and advisors, get tutored, talk to your coaches, and get help in the playbook, or just watch film.” He says.

Daily, Jacorey sets a schedule, and makes it a priority to better himself in different areas in his life. By setting intentional goals for his schoolwork, football plays, and much needed self-care, he is able to stay ready. Wherever. Whenever.

Sports & Athlete features

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