My Full-Body Workout

Hello, my wellness friends.

Here is my full-body gym workout routine. Typically I hit the gym four times a week. With my current schedule, I hit the gym twice a week, for a full-body workout.

Regular Schedule
Sunday - Lower Body
Monday - Upper Body
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Lower Body
Thursday - Upper Body
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Cardio

Busy Schedule
Sunday - Upper & Lower Body
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Upper & Lower Body
Thursday - Rest
Saturday - Cardio

My Warm-Up:

  • 35 pushups

  • 35 Russian twists

  • Captain Chair Hanging Raises (until failure)

My Upper Body Workout:

  • 4x10 chest press

  • 4x10 seated cable row

  • 4x10 lateral pull down

  • seated lateral plate machine (until failure)

  • chest press (until failure)

My Lower Body Workout:

  • 4x10 weighted dumbbell squats

  • 4x10 RDLs with dumbbells

  • 4x10 hip thrusts with dumbbell

  • 5x8 smith machine squats

  • 5x8 smith machine deadlifts

  • leg extension machine (until failure)

  • hamstring curls machine (until failure)

  • 4x10 hip adduction

  • 4x10 hip abduction

My Lower Body Workout (30 minutes)

  • 4x10 weighted dumbbell squats

  • 4x10 RDLs with dumbbells

  • 4x10 hip thrusts

  • 5x8 smith machine deadlifts

One of my greatest sources of inspiration is stepping foot into my gym. It’s always a joy to see athletes from all backgrounds hone in on their craft. The body is an art, that goes beyond aesthetics, superficiality, and looks. Walking in, seeing powerlifters, the super lean, the super shredded, those with bodybuilding and military backgrounds rings a level of discipline and commitment in me. In many ways, the body is limitless. Strength is a beautiful thing. No one can take that away from you. As I continue my fitness journey this year, I will incorporate more weights, lifts, and strength training. In the meantime, I am enjoying this fruitful mind, body, spiritual voyage.

The Visionary Boss™

Founded in 2016, by Kaylan Boss, The Visionary Boss is an online blog publication that shares the best in wellness, lifestyle & career. Our philosophy is that being a boss starts with governing thyself, mind and psyche. Our blog features nutrition articles, recipes, self-development and relationship columns & more. We also celebrate the stories of small businesses, innovators and this generation's gamechangers.

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