Spicy Shrimp Crispy Rice

Whenever I’m dining at a modern Japanese restaurant, I have to order a round of Spicy Tuna Crispy Rice. The crispy golden brown crunch of the rice, and the fresh flavor of the tuna gets me every single time. Oh, and let’s not forget how perfect the tuna tastes tossed in that amazing piquant-y spiced mayo. Some of my favorite Spicy Tuna Crispy Rice variations have been from Nobu Miami, Ceviche 105 in Miami, and Kelp Sushi Joint in Tampa.

I was having my usual craving of STCR during a rainy weekend in, and I thought to myself: why don’t I just make my own version at home? And then I thought about how simple and accessible it would taste if I traded the tuna in for shrimp. That’s just what I did.

Here is my recipe for Spicy Shrimp Crispy Rice. It’s a must try for a Friday night in, or for a small gathering with friends.


  • Shrimp (I used Argentine shrimp)

  • Paprika

  • Cayenne Pepper

  • White rice (I used Jasmine rice)

  • Cooking Oil

  • Mayo

  • Sriracha Sauce

  • Sesame Oil

  • Honey

  • Scallions

  • Jalapeños

Directions for Shrimp

I dethawed half a pound of medium-sized Argentine shrimp. After it the shrimp was done dethawing, I seasoned it lightly with paprika and cayenne pepper. I let it broil in the oven on 400 degrees, until fully cooked.

Directions for Rice

I cooked two cups of Jasmine rice on the stovetop. After letting it fully cook and simmer, I laid it flat in a rectangular baking dish. I chilled in the freezer for 2 hours so that it can stay firm and tact.

After, I take the rice out the freezer and cut the rice into small rectangles or squares.

Heat a deep pot with cooking oil, and start frying your rice rectangles/squares. Brown them on each side. Then set your crispy rice aside.

Directions for Spicy Mayo

The spicy mayo is the best part! I eyeball each ingredient, and it has not failed me to base my measurements off of ‘feel.’ Start with an ample amount of mayo, add some Sriracha, a teaspoon or two of sesame oil, and a drizzle of honey. Add some scallions or green onions to the mix for an extra touch of zest.

Cut up your shrimp into small dices, and add it to your spicy mayo mix

Directions for Stacking

Now it is time to stack. Start with your bed of crispy rice. Drop a dollop of your shrimp and spicy mayo combo. Top it off with a jalapeno and scallions.

Photography: Kaylan Boss, shot on Canon

The Visionary Boss™

Founded in 2016, by Kaylan Boss, The Visionary Boss is an online blog publication that shares the best in wellness, lifestyle & career. Our philosophy is that being a boss starts with governing thyself, mind and psyche. Our blog features nutrition articles, recipes, self-development and relationship columns & more. We also celebrate the stories of small businesses, innovators and this generation's gamechangers.

Our in-house agency offers branding and marketing consulting, social media management, and professional career & image-building services.


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