Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros is my go-to when I’m craving a high protein, hearty breakfast. It’s my preferred meal if I anticipate lifting + an energy fueled leg day. It’s also my favorite dish to eat on those busy office days. Huevos Rancheros is heavy on savoriness and brimmed with hotness. The even better part is that it takes ten minutes for prep and cook time! Let’s get started! Here is my version of the traditional Mexican breakfast that focuses on runny eggs, flavorful beans, and loads of spice.


  • Tostado

  • Black beans

  • Refried beans (I recommend the Taco Bell brand)

  • Mexican shredded cheese

  • Jalapeños

  • Cilantro

  • Sour cream

  • Pico de gallo or salsa, or chili sauce (I used Taco Bell’s mild sauce)

  • Avocado


  • I heat black and refried beans on the stovetop. While that heats, I cook an egg sunny-side up!

  • Once my egg is done, I plate my beans and the egg on top of the tostado.

  • Next, I sprinkle my cheese, jalapeño, cilantro, and add some sour cream avocado to my plate.

  • Top it off with salsa of your choice! Here’s to exceptional eating!

The Visionary Boss™

Founded in 2016, by Kaylan Boss, The Visionary Boss is an online blog publication that shares the best in wellness, lifestyle & career. Our philosophy is that being a boss starts with governing thyself, mind and psyche. Our blog features nutrition articles, recipes, self-development and relationship columns & more. We also celebrate the stories of small businesses, innovators and this generation's gamechangers.

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Spicy Shrimp Crispy Rice


Vegetarian-Friendly Lifestyle Tips and Meal Ideas