Sip Your Way to GREAT SKIN

It’s no secret that most of us desire clear, hydrated skin, lush manes and healthy nails. What if I told you that you were only one sip away? Ha, and I’m not talking about a cocktail or your beloved $5+ coffee fix.

I’m talking about that green, baby. I’ve been juicing and drinking green shakes since I was super little, and it’s my go-to to feeling refreshed and healthy.

Here are a few green shake recipes that I absolutely never get tired of.

Green Machine

This one is a classic. I’ve been enjoying this shake this season, because it’s clean and simple. It’s a great detox or pick-me-up during the holidays, or a weekend of living it up. The ginger and lemon really cleanses your system.

  • handful of spinach

  • sliced carrots

  • ginger

  • lemon

  • water

Glow-y Paradise

This is a great smoothie when you’re poolside, or just want something a little sweeter. For more of a frozen slush, I would use frozen fruit, or freeze your pineapple, mango and strawberries ahead of time.

  • handful of spinach (optional)

  • pineapple

  • mango

  • strawberries

  • water


This is the one for all my Keto-lovers. I started using avocado in my smoothies about two years ago. I love the creamy base it adds. Using an organic nut butter adds protein to the smoothie. This is my post workout fave.

  • handful of spinach

  • half an avocado

  • nut butter

  • coconut milk

  • coconut oil

The Visionary Boss™

Founded in 2016, by Kaylan Boss, The Visionary Boss is an online blog publication that shares the best in wellness, lifestyle & career. Our philosophy is that being a boss starts with governing thyself, mind and psyche. Our blog features nutrition articles, recipes, self-development and relationship columns & more. We also celebrate the stories of small businesses, innovators and this generation's gamechangers.

Our in-house agency offers branding and marketing consulting, social media management, and professional career & image-building services.


FRESH Cucumber Salad Recipe